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Green Energy for a Green Planet

Samba Solar Developments is an Austro/Brazilian Group that aims to contribute to the Energy Transition and help make our planet green. We are a leading aggregator/developer of Alternative Energy Projects in Brazil.

An International Team of development and construction specialists in the Solar/Wind/Hybrid/Storage sector, coupled with experts in Private Equity, Fundraising, Financial Structuring and ESG Investing are developing a utility scale Alternative Energy Project portfolio in Brazil.

Samba Solar Developments' multinational team brings more than 250 years of experience in the relevant fields to the table.


We have our own development team on the ground in Brazil, who work closely with the local developers. They are supported by Sao Paolo based German engineers, who take care of project management and execution.

More than 17.8 GWp (13 specific Ready to Build projects all over Brazil) are currently being implemented. PPAs are already signed or in an advanced stage of negotiation. Permits and grid access are in place.


Further 9.1 GWp (18 specific projects) are in early development stage (greenfield).


We are looking for new projects, collaboration partners, suppliers, EPC’s and Investors (Equity/Mezzanine/Debt) that share our vision for providing Green Energy for a Green Planet.


Project planning

Every good project starts with a comprehensive initial analysis and rough planning. Our Co-CEO, Jörg Hahn, together with his Brazilian team, continuously evaluates new projects for profitability and feasibility. In this process, the decades of expertise in the wind and solar sectors of Alfredo dos Santos, our Head of Development Brazil, helps to separate the wheat from the chaff and to focus only on promising projects.

Concepting and Engineering

Once the initial analysis has been successfully completed, the "Concepting and Engineering" phase begins. The first feasibility study with a rough planning regarding power plant layout, grid access, preliminary financial model, preliminary timelines and technical setup will be prepared and submitted to the Investment Committee of Samba Solar Developments for approval.

Next, our Construction Team, led by Werner Griesmaier, will start the selection of EPC partners and the tendering of the main technical components for the construction of the power plant.

At the same time, the Corporate Finance Team, led by Martin W. Steininger and Stefanie L. Wurzer, will start to approach equity investors, the Brazilian Development Bank and other debt investors.

Planung der Bauarbeiten


During the development phase, all necessary permits are obtained, project financing is secured, and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are negotiated with major reputable industry partners.

The preliminary feasibility studies are reviewed again thoroughly and the project is made investment ready.

During this phase, the project is finalized and becomes a "ready to build" (RTB) project.


The Construction phase is probably the most decisive. Here you can lose a lot of money and many inexperienced project developers are exactly exposed to this.


Samba Solar has with Werner Griesmaier and his internationally operating industrial assembly company SGS Industrial (925 international projects successfully completed) and Tom Emus (General Manager Brazil) industry experts with the highest process and implementation know-how.


Each individual project in the "Construction Phase" is closely managed and controlled, so that any deviations, delays and errors in the construction can be identified early and avoided or eliminated.


This ensures that the COD remains on schedule and that undesired cost overruns are eliminated.

Solarpaneele auf Bäumen



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